Plugin Tag: post
TypeRocket UI
(4 total ratings)This plugin provides a powerful user interface for creating post types, taxonomies, and meta boxes.
MartinCV OpenAi Post
(2 total ratings)Utilizes OpenAi DaVinci 003 to generate Post based on the post title. You can use it with Gutenberg or Classic editor. Works for both posts and pages.
Map in Each Post
(0 total ratings)A simple plugin to insert customizable maps in posts using shortcodes. Supports unique maps per post and custom post types.
Polaroid on the Fly
(0 total ratings)Creates polaroids of images on the fly for thumbnails in posts. Support for lightbox included. Built on modified Polaroid-o-nizer v0.7.2 sources.
Livejournal Crossposter Remix
(0 total ratings)Automatically copies all posts to a LiveJournal or other LiveJournal-based blog (exclude text in shortcode [nocrosspost]smth[/nocrosspost] – buttons f …
Post Scriptum
(0 total ratings)A simple plugin adding optional per-category and per-tag text/HTML at the end of the post content.
Flickr Over GFW
(0 total ratings)Flickr Over GFW is a plugin for people where flickr's image library is blocked. With this plugin, you can link any image from flickr freely and y …
No Slug Conflicts with Trash
(2 total ratings)NOTE: WordPress 4.5 incorporated the functionality of this plugin and thus it is no longer needed unless you're still running an older version of …
WordPress VN oEmbed
(1 total ratings)Tự động nhúng nhạc, video, clip từ các trang nhạc ở Việt Nam khi bạn dán link nhạc vào bài viết.
Admin Title Check
(0 total ratings)Check whether the title matches other posts while adding or editing a post, page or custom post type in classic editor.
Post Category Indexer
(1 total ratings)Allows the user to insert a index of posts and categories on page/post.
Wp NonRegContent
(0 total ratings)Use this to display a short synopsis to readers who are not logged in and logged in readers see the entire article minus the synopsis.
Vote It!
(0 total ratings)Vote It! Buttons for Blogpostings. Set very simple a digg, sphinn or another social-news-button in your blogpost.
(0 total ratings)A plugin that provides LiveJournal-like custom security groups for posts and pages.
Easy Navigator
(0 total ratings)Easy Navigator is plug to navigate through posts easily. It provides very simple and user friendly interface.
Simple event schedule
(0 total ratings)A basic timetable plugin that allow you to add, delete event and show it on your post or page.