Plugin Tag: facebook
Minimal Share Buttons
(8 total ratings)A social share plugin that doesn't spy on users and doesn't slow down your site.
(2 total ratings)Easily add your VidLive widgets in WordPress. VidLive is the easiest way to automatically stream “Currently Live" Facebook or YouTube video from …
Mutual Buddies
(7 total ratings)Mutual buddies displays BuddyPress mutual friends of the logged in user & the user whose profile the user is looking at on the Profile page.
Social Feeds
(6 total ratings)A powerful Facebook and Twitter integration that allows you to display Facebook, Twitter follow button and timeline for your wordpress website.
(15 total ratings)Improve your social media spreading by letting your users pay with a like, a tweet or +1. wpLike2Get allows you to do this easily.
WordPress Connect
(1 total ratings)This plugin integrates the Facebook Social Plugins with Wordpress.
TechGasp Comments Master
(35 total ratings)TechGasp Comments Master is the professional integration of facebook comments into heavy duty wordpress websites.
Scrape and Debug
(0 total ratings)Simplify page debugging via Facebook Sharing Debugger, LinkedIn Post Inspector, Google's Structured Data Testing Tool and Rich Results Test, Page …
(2 total ratings)'Changing the way you share', giving you an experience you have never had before…
(2 total ratings)Create social sharing buttons using the ridiculously responsive social sharing buttons script.
ic BeSocial
(0 total ratings)AVISO IMPORTANTE La versión 3.0 es una reescritura completa del plugin, y se ha eliminado alguna funcionalidad (por ejemplo los botones sólo se genera …
Sharing is Caring
(0 total ratings)Displays the social widgets from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest with your posts. Also adds some meta tags for opengraph and
OGP Generator
(0 total ratings)When shared on Facebook, this plugin shows a nice Thumbnail of your posts, pages and site.
Social Feeds for Elementor
(0 total ratings)Social Feeds for Elementor is a free plugin. You can display facebook likebox / page plugin & twitter feeds widget using it.
Open Graph WP implementation
(0 total ratings)Implements the Open Graph Protocol on a WordPress installation. Can be used by other plugins as a dependency.
Good old Share
(4 total ratings)Puts Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and other social share buttons of your choice above or below your posts.
Open Graph Protocol Tools
(1 total ratings)Adds Open Graph Protocol meta to the individual pages and posts of your WordPress Install.
Contests by Rewards Fuel
(65 total ratings)Contests by Rewards Fuel encourages your audience to take actions that build your business; it's a win-win for you and your customers!
Fan Page
(0 total ratings)Fan Page helps you easily embed and promote any public facebook page on your wordpres widget, post or even in a page. Visitors can like, share, see Pa …
Opengraph and Microdata Generator
(1 total ratings)Adds Facebook OpenGraph Meta Tags to head for a better social sharing experience.