Plugin Tag: api
Faveo Agora Invoicing
(0 total ratings)This plugin pulls product pricing, Description/Details, currency, and order URL from the Faveo Agora invoicing web application.
AppiFire for Mobile Apps
(0 total ratings)This plugin is developed for AppiFire app users. AppiFire product convert your WordPress website into Android & iOS app.
EVA – Email Validator
(0 total ratings)Keep your WordPress platforms free from fake or disposable email accounts.
Find and Replace for one language in WPML
(0 total ratings)A small plugin for running a find/replace on your WordPress database for one language.
Salonkee Widgets by
(0 total ratings)Show your openinghours from your Salonkee application directly on your WordPress website with a simple shortcode: [salonkee-openinghours]
Smart Post Sync
(0 total ratings)Smart Post Sync simplifies connecting APIs and syncing external data into WordPress posts, making content integration and management seamless.
API Cache Pro
(0 total ratings)This plugin enables caching for the WordPress REST API to improve performance. Once enabled you can modify the basic settings via the Customizer.
Boingball Medal.TV ShortCode Plugin
(0 total ratings)his Plugin allows you to display your Medal TV Latest videos using the shortcode [medaltv]
WP PLC Connect
(0 total ratings)A simple plugin to work with onePlace. Needed for all other onePlace Wordpress Plugins.
Get by taxonomy/category parent for WP REST API
(0 total ratings)Add the ability to get posts by the parent category in the WordPress REST API.
API Grid Viewer
(0 total ratings)A WordPress plugin for testing complex JSON APIs directly from the admin panel. Simple, secure, and lightweight with no external libraries.
TomParisDE YouTube Widget
(1 total ratings)Your TomParisDE YouTube Widget for Statistics, Banner and More!
Network Rest Site List
(0 total ratings)Simple small Wordpress plugin that creates a REST endpoint to list all sites and their IDs in a Wordpress Multisite Network.
API Widgets – API to Table, Chart or HTML
(0 total ratings)Convert APIs to Tables, Charts or HTML. Embed on your website & data stays synced. Works with APIs or JSON files.
Open One On Demand Delivery
(0 total ratings)Open One On Demand Delivery is used to link a store developed in WooCommerce with the Open One API and in this way have a delivery system connected to …
CVirtuose Job synchronizer
(0 total ratings)The solution to connect your WordPress to the ATS CVirtuose, developed by Folks, and synchronize your WordPress with their job offers list.
Bizzmags Marketplace
(2 total ratings)Connect your WC store with marketplaces, compatible with eMag Marketplace Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, send your products to the marketplace.